Sitges Tourism

XXXIX Concurs de pintura Sanvisens i XXIX Concurs d'escultura Pere Jou

Art competition

The exhibition of the finalists of the Sanvisens and Pere Jou competitions is always a magnificent opportunity to discover artists. Both awards, promoted by the Sitges Town Council and the families after whom they are named, support emerging artists (but not necessarily young ones), through a financial endowment and the holding of a solo exhibition for the winners. A good support network for creation.


In over three decades for the Sanvisens Contest and over two decades for the Pere Jou Contest, hundreds of artists have been exhibited at the Miramar-Centre Cultural, and dozens of winners have enjoyed special recognition. In addition to supporting artists, these contests have enriched the general public with new perspectives and ways of seeing the world through art.


Organized by: Ajuntament de Sitges

More information here



From Wednesday to Sunday:
from 10 a.m. to 14 a.m. and from 17 p.m. to 20 p.m.
Holidays closed.

Miramar - Centre Cultural

(+34) 93 811 42 40

  • 36 Sanvisens i Pere Jou
