Sitges Tourism

Excursion through the solar system in Parc del Garraf

Taking the Garraf Astronomical Observatory as the center of the Solar System, we will place a scale representation of the main planets in the surroundings. As we move, we will become aware of the interplanetary space, and how the Sun and the planets are seen from any other place. Walking at the rate of a million kilometers with each step, we will also enjoy the magnificent natural environment that the Garraf offers us.


Price: Adults: 6 euros / Children from 6 to 12 years: 4 euros

Recommended age: From 4 years

Place: Garraf Park Astronomical Observatory
Camino de Olivella in Plana Novella km 3.5 (in front of the Can Grau Nature School)
It is necessary to book at specifying the contact number and telephone number.
Directions to get to the Observatory:



From 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Observatori Astronòmic del Parc del Garraf

685 233 575 / 651 426 872

  • passejadaagenda


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