Barcelona - Sitges International Vintage Car Rally
Nearly 90 vehicles built between 1928 and 1938 fill the streets of Sitges and Barcelona Every year these vehicles capture the attention of enthusiasts and the curious, who line the route to see these motoring gems.
From 28 March to 6 April
Display of vintage motorcycles at the Hotel Sabàtic (Sitges).
From 29 March to 13 April
Exhibition "Vintage cars: vision of the past" at the Fundació Ave María (Sitges).
Paintings by Cristòfol Almirall.
From 31 March to 5 April
Display of four vintage cars at the Centre Comercial L'Illa Diagonal (Barcelona).
Sunday 6 April
Start of the rally from Barcelona at 10.30 am.
Route: Pl. Sant Jaume – Jaume I – Pl. de l’Àngel – Via Laietana – Pl. Correus – Passeig de Colom – Pl. Portal de la Pau – Passeig Josep Carner – Pl. de les Drassanes – Av. Paral·lel (side nearest the Besòs) – Pl. Espanya (side nearest the mountain) – Gran Via CC (central section, side nearest the mountain) – Gran Via CC (past Mossèn Amadeu Oller, side-lane exit) – Pl. Ildefons Cerdà – Rambla Badal – Constitució.
In L’Hospitalet de Llobregat: Santa Eulàlia, Enric Prat de la Riba, Barcelona, Carretera de L’Hospitalet, Av. de la Fama, Tirso de Molina, Av. Barcelona.
And then: Cornellà de Llobregat, link with the C-245, Sant Boi de Llobregat, Viladecans, Gavà, Castelldefels and Castelldefels Platja, then the C-246 and Carretera de les Costes del Garraf (C-31).
Arrival in Sitges around 12.15 - 12.30 pm approx.
Entering the streets of Sitges via Emerencià Roig i Raventós, Pl. Doctor Robret, Av. Balmins, Port Alegre, Rafael Llopart, Sant Damià, Santiago Rusiñol, Jesús, Cap de la Vila, Parellades, Marqués de Montroig, Pl. Indústria, 1 de Maig, Pg. de la Ribera, as far as Avinguda Sofia and Passeig de Terra to La Fragata, where the vehicles will remain on display until 5.30 pm approx.
More information here.

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(+34) 93 894 93 57
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